Solution Management - Easy Document Management For People

Having successful employees is good business! Solution Management’s vision is to provide IT solutions that make it easy for everyone to understand and succeed in their roles, find, create, and share documents and information, and collaborate with their colleagues.

We deliver business software that is easy to use - IT Solutions for Success

Our easy solutions are based on software from our partners. We are based in Copenhagen and work all over the Nordics as certified partners with our vendors. We have great experience helping make workday success more easily achieved for both large enterprises and smaller companies.

Easy Document Management and ECM

Create, find and use all your documents quicker and more easily

We are Gold Partners with M-Files, a well known system for Enterprise Content Management. M-Files makes every aspect of content mangement easier for the company: creating and editing data as well as finding and sharing data securely; within and outside of the company.

Solution Management is Gold Partners with M-Files
Free M-Files Trial,

Free 30-Day M-Files Trial!

Sing up and experience the leading platform for knowledge work automation!

No credit card required. No software to install.

Solution Management, reseller of Elements.Cloud for process mapping and optimization.

Visual Business Process Management

Ensure all your people know their roles and activities

As Resellers of Elements.Cloud, we help organizations document their processes and ensure all employees understand their roles. The documentation is always available online, with process descriptions and attachments to make their work easier.

Software recognized by leading analysts, such as Gartner and Forrester

We believe it is important for our customers that our software have a good reputation and results that speak for themselves. That is why we sell and work with software acknowledged by leading analysis firms, such as Gartner and Forrester. We prioritize Visionary vendors, with strong functionality and easy implementation for both large and small scale solutions.

Our solutions | Contact us |

Quality Management

We have unique experience of implementing solutions for Quality and Compliance, having helped businesses and global franchises document visual processes to ensure continual improvements and make the certification and compliance to ISO and other business standards easier. We have also implemented Document Management Systems in connection to such processes, with the same expertise. To these solutions, we have developed workflows and portals that make collaboration in the Quality Management System easier; for Audits, CAPA, improvement suggestions and more.

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Solution Management specializes in delivering expert quality and compliance solutions to help businesses achieve operational excellence and regulatory success.

Visual QMS – To Quality Management Excellence And Beyond!

VisualQMS is a comprehensive Quality Management System with Visual Business Processes integrated in the platform. 

This means that the users can navigate in the system content through easily understandable Process Workflows showing the exact way a given task should be completed.

Visual QMS

Streamline your quality and compliance processes efficiently with our modules:

Business software solutions for case management, QMS, CRM, project management, contracts, HR, and more.

Solutions to Your Business Challenges

We help our customers tailor business software solutions to their needs and challenges within different areas: